We are not just fans, we are residents!

This fantastic video courtesy of our own Littlekender and Sparowen.

Online Since Spring 2009

"Steeds of Middle Earth"
a concise and complete guide to horses, ponies and goats in LotRO,
a fantastic MMORPG based on the literary classics by J.R.R. Tolkein.

LotRO Master of Steeds 
Calddir Lenion Ar-Feiniel Nenharma
Nenharma Farms, 1-2 High Road Hill, Shelhouse, Bree-Land, Arkenstone

Arkenstone Equestrian Federation Co-Founder
1 Brookbanks Street,, Shortshot, The Shire, Arkenstone


Lotrosteeds.com Stablemasters
Littlekender & Sparowen

all members of one of the oldest and most respected kinships in Lord of the Rings Online

Swifty and Hammo
Kinship of Arkenstone

as well as

Nenharma Farms, 5 Waterbank Road, Amon Rovan, Falathorn, Erid Luin, Arkenstone

Support Lotrosteeds.com!

Guide Contents
LotRO Store Exclusive and Temporary
Starter Horses 
Learning to Ride

Breeds of Mounts
Standard Stable Horses
Faction Horses and Goats 
Festival Horses 
Special & Deed Horses and Goats 
Future / Up and Coming Steeds 

What's In a Name?
Naming your Steeds

Special Sections

Real Life Equestrian Information
About "Lord of the Rings Online" and 
Link to this Guide
Support this Guide
Special Thanks
Awards and Accolades

Latest LotRO Equestrian News:


Lord of the Rings is a name of a franchise everybody is familiar with. So to nobody’s surprise when they released LOTR Online it was an instant hit for fans worldwide. With graphics and mechanics inspired by popular MMORPG’s like World of Warcraft people were taken aback. Many have said that it’s a gamble but the game paved its own path with the rich story and history that many of us grew up with. Besides LOTR Online, many other games based on Lord of the Rings universe were released. Some of them even can be played for real money in online casinos, that you can find by following this link.

As our name suggests lotrosteeds.com we intend on bringing a concise and all rounded guides to horses, ponies and goats or in short all the available mounts in-game. Let us be your one and only Lord of the rings online mount guide. Being an online game, everybody including your friends would be able to see your spectacular mount and ask you about it. It’s like having an expensive car, but in this case it’s a virtual animal that you’ve tamed to do your bidding.

LOTRO Steeds and Casino Games

We at Steeds of Middle Earth sure love our online games, and we do offer other Lord of the Rings content. By following our recommendations for online mobile casino links you will find LOTR inspired slots games, roulette games, online poker and many more themed casino games. LOTR Steeds does not specialize in poker games, but we know for sure that PokerHell will bring you all the info you need to start practicing in the best poker rooms. There you can win real money and of course a casino bonus for first time players to kick things off.

There are seven various types of steeds: 
Stable horses, Starter horses, Temporary horses, Standard horses, Faction steeds, Festival horses, 
and Special/Deed steeds.  Standard, Faction, Festival and Special/Deed steeds are available to 
experienced riders with the riding skill.

The special Bree starter horse is available to novice riders (lvl 5+) and may be purchased without having 
completed a riding course from the LotRO Store in game. Passage between locations may be obtained by 
renting a stable horse at any stable in Middle Earth on which you will automatically ride 
a stable horse quite rapidly to your destination.

(Calddir and Patcher on their Smokey Black steeds from Mirkwood)
Ponies are smaller and stockier than horses
but are equally as fast and as sturdy.

Below are the various steeds available and information as to their acquisition.  Humans and Elves
ride horses, whereas Hobbits and Dwarves ride ponies.  Horses and ponies look identical except for stature and size,
ponies appear smaller and stockier than horses.   You can own multiple steeds,
as they are added as a skill set and can be seen on the mounts tab of your character sheet. If you can't buy them with in-game gold, you can buy some from 3rd party sites. If real money isn't something that you want to involve in your games, then you can opt to win some by playing free slots at Sloto Cash. At the provided link you can read up on the perks from the online casino site.

Animation Sync Bug
Occasionally, you and your steed will be out of sync with each other.  Watching your character
bounce up and down in the saddle can be a painful experience.  To fix this, simply mount up, toggle 'walk' for a few seconds,
then toggle back to 'run'.  I use a key bind for this. This will re-sync the animation and provide your character 
with a smooth ride..:-)

Steed Related Emotes

Available through the LotRO Store are some pretty awesome emotes that you can perform while mounted.
Each of the emotes work on all steeds and cost 195TP each in the Character/Emotes/Store Exclusives section of the LotRO Store


LotRO Store Steeds
Starting at level 5, you can obtain a whistle that will summon a temporary horse to get you where you are going. 
There are no special quests to do, nor must you spend a great deal of money. 
The horses vary in speed and sturdiness, and expire after a specific period of time. 
The temporary steeds are Standard Blonde Sorrel in appearance.

Temporary Steeds
Available only from the LotRO Store or special introductory gift box.

Cost: various see below
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: various see below
HP: 100

Crumbling Whistle - Ave speed  - 6 hrs - 75TP
Tarnished Whistle - Ave speed - 24hrs - 125TP
Polished Whistle - Ave speed - 7 days - 350TP
Bright Whistle - Ave speed - 30 days - 595TP


Steeds Exclusive to the LotRO Store
There are also steeds available on occassion in the LotRO Store in game. 
These are very special, full owned steeds with no time limitations.

Dusky Nimblefoot Goat
Originally SoM pre-order and AP only, but now only in the LotRO store (standard mount section). 
Costs: 995TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 60
Names: S=Sage, T=Clover

"Moria is no place for horses" -Aragorn

Equipped with all the tools for the adventurer, the goat is the only way to get around Moria.  The Dusky Nimblefoot Goat is a dusky tan in colour and blue blanket and tack.  Equally as fast as a regular steed but not at sturdy.

Steed of Night
Available occassionally from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis.

Cost: 1995TP 
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Shadow, H=Midnight

This magnificent steed has a dark charcoal coat with glistening chocolate undertones and amber eyes. It is bedecked with a glimmering saddle pad, a fiery neck guard and reinforced leather saddle, bridle and leg boots.  This steed, at 168%, is faster than an standard steed.  Due to its HP and speed, this is undoubtebly the best steed a character can ride at lower levels.


Steed of Minas Ithil 
Available occassionally from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis. 

Costs: 1995TP 
Normal lvl:
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Charger, H=Stormer

Representing a new trend in steed adornment, the Steed of Minas Ithil is the first with full trappings and tack! This silver-grey horse, draped in a flowing bright blue and white covering with matching banner, is meant to display and carry the fearsome Guard of Isildur into battle. Only available from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis!  Keep your eyes out for availability!

Steed of Bright Days
Available occassionally from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis. 

Cost: 1995TP
Normal lvl: 
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Powder Puff, H=Powder Blue

An offering fit for those with a bright and colorful spirit. This dark brown and white horse bears bright blues, greens and yellows on its caparison. Only available from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis!  Keep your eyes out for availability!

Steed of the Hunter
Available occassionally from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis. 

Cost: 1995TP
Normal lvl: 
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Longshot, H=Trapper's Guide

Definately a steed for the hunting archer! Wearing a fur saddle pad and breastplate, with a green saddle and neck guard and fur-lined splint boots, this steed displays everything that true Hunters need in their fight against Evil! Only available from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis!  Keep your eyes out for availability!






Steed of the Guardian
Available occassionally from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis. 

Cost: 1995TP
Normal lvl: 
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Overpowered, H=Shield Bearer

A Guardian's steed must be strong and stout to bear the weight of its master's heavy armour and arms. This sturdy mount has an attractive steel gray coat with a black tail and its rugged tack is well designed to carry weapons, shields, and provisions for a long journey into war and danger. Only available from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis!  Keep your eyes out for availability!

Painted Skeleton Steed (glowing)
Available occassionally from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis. 

Cost: 1995TP
Normal lvl: 
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Leaf, H=Lantern

A glow-in-the-dark painted steed, coloured jet black and patterned with luminous green skeleton bones! Only available from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis!  Keep your eyes out for availability!

Fleet-Footed Goat
Available occassionally from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis. 

Cost: 1995TP
Normal lvl: 
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: S=Acorn, T=Mapleseed

A fleet-footed and sure-footed white goat able to travel as fast as any horse and travel through the dark of Moria, this alpine white goat with winged saddle and accents. Only available from the LotRO Store (exclusive section) on a very limited basis!  Keep your eyes out for availability!

Rohirrim Mounts!
Available only with the purchase of the LotRO Rise of Isengard expansion.

White Steed of the Gap 
Available only with the LotRO Rise of Isengard expansion.

Cost: none
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62% 
HP: 200 
Name: P=Diamond, H=Opal

Available currently only with the of Rise of Isengard, the Rohirrim steeds are fantastic blonde sorrel steeds with Rohirrim designed drapery with individual symbols. Equipped with ornate sturdy saddle and tack as well as facial and neck armor! 

Red Steed of the Gap 
Available only with the LotRO Rise of Isengard expansion.

Cost: none
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 200 
Name: P=Fire-Topaz, H=Ruby

Available currently only with the of Rise of Isengard, the Rohirrim steeds are fantastic blonde sorrel steeds with Rohirrim designed drapery with individual symbols. Equipped with ornate sturdy saddle and tack as well as facial and neck armor! 

Green Steed of the Gap 
Available only with the LotRO Rise of Isengard expansion.

Cost: none
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 200 
Name: P=Emerald, H=Jewel

Available currently only with the of Rise of Isengard, the Rohirrim steeds are fantastic blonde sorrel steeds with Rohirrim designed drapery with individual symbols. Equipped with ornate sturdy saddle and tack as well as facial and neck armor! 

Faction and Festival Steeds in the LotRO Store
Faction and Festival Steeds are slowly becoming available for purchase in the LotRO Store!
These faction steeds are identical in appearance 
as the steeds in the faction steed section below.  Keep in mind that store purchased steeds have less 
stats than earned (Prized) steeds and thus do not need faction reputation to own and ride. 

Many interesting steeds are usually temporarily included in the store 
so be sure to check out the store deals often!

Starter Horses
At level 5, VIP members can obtain a nice starter horse to get you started with riding.  There are no special 
quests to do, nor must you spend a great deal of money.  The horse is very slow indeed but again, its only a beginning..:-) 

Breeland Starter
Available at lvl 5 to VIP members from Éogar at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields. No Riding Skill needed!
from LotRO Store from Hengstacer Farms
Rep: none
Cost: 495 TP
Speed: +32%
HP: 100
Names: P=unknown, H=unknown
Rep: none
Cost: 200s
Speed: +32%
HP: 100
Names: Names: P=Silver, H=Barley

While not as fast or sturdy as a regular, faction or deed steed, the Bree Starter is a nice way to get around at a lower level.  A beginner version of the Breetown Liver Chestnut it is a rich Reddish-Brown with black points, has a standard saddle and forest green cloth blanket.

Learning to Ride

All players, upon reaching level 5, may opt to purchase the riding skill from the LotRO store for 95TP.

VIP members, upon reaching level 20, may simply run the quests from Éogar, the horse master at
Hengstacer Farms, Horsefields, Bree-Land.  There he will offer you a short race quest.  Run the racecourse to
demonstrate to Éogar that you can handle a mount, and you are done!

After you learn to ride and purchase your first very own horse, 
Éogar awards you a trait that will offer a 60% discount on all future
common horse purchases from Hengstacer Farms in Breeland. 
Prices drop to 200s for standard horses, and 80s for
the Breeland Starter horse!

Hengstacer Farms are located north of Bree-Town.

Be sure that you complete the riding quest 'Proving your Quality'.  It is easy to fail, and difficult to realize that
you did.  If you fail, you can repeat it as needed until you complete it.  Once completed, 'RIDING' will
appear in your passive skills tab.

Standard and Stable Horses
Stable horses look like standard steeds but are much faster than any personally owned steed. 
They travel a specific path between two points and can only be mounted at a fixed unlocked stable.
Stable horses do not require the riding skill to rent.

Standard steeds are slower than stable horses, but can be summoned and ridden anytime anywhere.
Standard steeds can be purchased at Hengstacer Farms or in the Turbine store anytime
and require the riding skill to ride. 

Standard steeds are available at the LotRO Store at a cost of 695TP and 
have the same stats as those purchased in game.
Purchase a standard horse in -game by visiting Eogar's shop and simply buying the mount desired
Note about the Grey Steed at Eogar's Shop:

Horses used to be items kept in your backpack, not skills, and took up alot of backpack space. Thus, many players upon earning the Grey Steed, ended up deleting it to make room in their backpack. Once deleted, the horse was irretrievable. After steeds became skills, they no longer required backpack space. The steed was placed here at Eogar's Shop to allow people who had previously deleted the steed, to reacquire it. 

There is no need to ever purchase this steed, as it is a quest reward for completing Vol. 1 book quests. And you still require completion of the entire Vol. 1 book quests in order to ride it. 

Standard Chestnut
Available from Éogar at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.
from LotRO Store from Hengstacer Farms
Rep: none
Cost: 695 TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=unknown, H=unknown
Rep: none
Cost: 500s
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Barney, H=Huck
Standard Blonde Sorrel
Available from Éogar at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.
from LotRO Store from Hengstacer Farms
Rep: none
Cost: 695 TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=unknown, H=unknown
Rep: none
Cost: 500s
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Coltsfoot, H=Coriander
The Chestnut is a classic rich brown horse with dark brown points and white star.  Comes with a standard leather saddle and no blanket. The Blonde Sorrel horse is a classic light tan horse with white star.  Comes with a standard leather saddle and no blanket.

Standard Blood Bay
Available from Éogar at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.
from LotRO Store from Hengstacer Farms
Rep: none
Cost: 695 TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=unknown, H=unknown
Rep: none
Cost: 500s
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Fancy, H=Bilberry
Standard Bay
Available from Éogar at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.
from LotRO Store from Hengstacer Farms
Rep: none
Cost: 695 TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=unknown, H=unknown
Rep: none
Cost: 500s
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Nettles, H=Hawthorn
The Blood Bay horse is a classic reddish brown horse with dark brown points and white star.  Comes with  a standard leather saddle and no blanket. The Bay horse is a classic dark brown horse with dark brown points and white star.  Comes with  a standard leather saddle and no blanket.

Faction Steeds

Faction steeds are offered as rewards for achieving reputation with different factions throughout Middle-Earth. 
These steeds are not without cost and must be purchased with either gold or reputation items. 
They are equal to or faster than standard steeds, yet are much more sturdy.
Prices listed are after the 5% discount received upon reaching Ally with the specific faction.

Available from Rusu in the Great Lodge of Suri Kyla, Forochel upon achieving Kindred standing with the Lossoth of Forochel.

Cost: 4g 810s (after Ally vendor discount)
Normal lvl: 50
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Spark, H=Primrose

The Tundra horse is a very sturdy horse specially suited for cold climates.  It is a classic longhaired rich brown mount with white points, a standard saddle and no blanket. 

Available from Ganneldur in Telain Galadhrim, Lothlorien upon achieving Kindred standing with the Galadhrim Elves.

Cost: 30 lorien gold leaves, 50 lorien silver branches
Normal lvl: 60
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Amarië, H=Idril

The very prized Galadhrim horse is indeed one of the most majestic of all the horses in Middle Earth.  It is a pure white horse with a standard saddle and a blanket handcrafted by the Silvan Elves of the Golden Wood.

Dark Chestnut
Available from Celegdes at Tinudir, Evendim upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Wardens of Annuminas.

Cost: 4g 810s (after Ally vendor discount)
Normal lvl: 50
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Tuffy, H=Peach

The Dark Chestnut is a sturdy brown and white painted horse with a standard saddle and orange and gold woven blanket handcrafted by skilled craftsmen of Evendim.

Available from Hafgrim, in Gath Forthnir, Angmar upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Council of the North.

Cost: 4g 810s (after Ally vendor discount)
Normal lvl: 50
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Shorty, H=Nutmeg

The Ashen is a sturdy grey and white specked horse with standard saddle and small red and gold blanket specially crafted by the skilled craftsmen of Angmar.

Redhorn Goat
Available from Kettil in the 21st Hall, Moria upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Iron Garrison Miners. (Note: only Friend standing is required to obtain the slower Tame goat, no discounts available)

Tame Cost: 5g 20s (slower and less sturdy)
Nimble Cost: 6g 24s (as fast and sturdy as a faction horse)
Normal lvl: 55
Speed: Nimble-+62% / Tame-+32%
HP: Nimble-250 / Tame-100
Names Nimble: S=Sage, T=Clover
NamesTame: S=Tullie, T=Gitter

"Moria is no place for horses" -Aragorn
Equipped with all the tools for the adventurer, the Redhorn Goat is the only steed capable of traversing the rigorous Mines of Moria. 

Smokey Black
Available from Millaesil at Thangulhad fortress upon 
achievement of Kindred standing with the Malledhrim of 

Cost: 20 Malledhrim Gold Stars
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Early Dawn, H=Valley Whisper

This design was the winner in the EU LoTRO horse design contest as is now available as a faction steed.  Like its name, it is a smokey black with white star.  Comes with a brown leather saddle, saddlebags and leg braces.   PLAYER DESIGNED by Aqina Valour! (Click here for Original design)

Liver Chestnut
Available from Tully Hopwood at Breetown Hunting Lodge upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Men of Bree.

Cost: 4g 810s (after Ally vendor discount)
Normal lvl: 35
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Rusty, H=Poppy

The Liver Chestnut  is a rich  Reddish-Brown with black points, has a standard saddle and forest green cloth blanket. 

Grey Company
Available from Cannuion at Echad Dagoras in Enedwaith upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Grey Company.

Cost: 20 gold Tokens of the Wilds
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Song Dancer, H=Hunters Pride

The Grey Company is a dark grey steed with black mane and tail. It is equipped with solid and sturdy leather tack crafted special for members of the grey company.

Available from Mabon in the Hall of Making at Lhanuch Enedwaith upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Algraig, Men of Enedwaith. 
Standard (LotRO Store) Prized (Rep Steed)
Rep: none
Cost: 1295 TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 200
Names: P=unknown, H=Sapphire
Rep: Kindred
Cost: 20 gold Tokens of the Wilds
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Jade, H=Norelilta

The Men of Enedwaith Algraig steed a cream colored dun steed with painted accents, a bright white mane tail and a decorative saddle with an ornate breastplate. It is equipped with solid and sturdy leather tack crafted by skilled craftsmen of the Men of Enedwaith.

Inn League Steed
Available from Ivy Tunnelly, the kindred trader, in the members only room of the Bird and Baby in Michel Delving, upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Inn League. 

Cost: 20 badges of Taste and Document of Mount Ownership (from festival trader at Hengstacer Farms)
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Tipsy, H=Guzzler

Sure to make certain you never run out of ale, the Inn League steed is equipped with 4 mini-kegs, light blue saddle blanket and is a brown and white painted steed.  Mounting an Inn League Steed offers a very special secret Inn League bonus! 

Ale Association Goat
Available from Gapi, the kindred trader in the Ale Association Ale-Hall at Thorins Hall, upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Ale Association.

Cost: 20 badges of dishonour and Document of Mount Ownership (from festival trader at Hengstacer Farms)
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: S=Sneaky, T=

Contrary to the Inn League, the Ale Association provides a special Goat for their kindred members.  The goat is equipped with 4 mini-kegs and a red blanket.  Sure to keep you and your fellowship quite merry!

Mathom Society
(The Shire)
Available from Manesir Goodbody in The Mathom House at Michel Delving, the Shire upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Mathom Society. 
Standard (LotRO Store) Prized (Rep Steed)
Rep: none
Cost: 995 TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 200
Names: P=unknown, H=Calamity
Rep: Kindred
Cost: 5g532s42c
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Mirth, H=Calamity

The Prized Mathom Society Steed is chocolate brown and white painted steed with olive green and gold tack and full saddle and small saddlebags.

Prized Thorin's Hall
(Ered Luin)
Available from Althun in Blue Stone Garrison at Thorin's Hall, Ered Luin upon achievement of Kindred standing with the dwarves of Thorin's Hall. 

Cost: 5g532s
Normal lvl:
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: S=Nugget, T=Wildeye

"Moria is no place for horses" -Aragorn
The Thorin's Hall Goat is dark grey goat with ornate dwarv-make saddle, storage chest and blue quilted saddle pad.  A better way to get around Middle Earth would be hard to find!

(Lone Lands)
Available from Leoflac in Ost Guruth, Lone Lands, upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Eglain. 

Cost: 5g532s
Normal lvl:
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Speckles, H=Freckles

The Prized Eglain steed is a brown and tan Appaloosa styled steed with brown leather tack and full saddle with saddlebags.

(North Downs)
Prized steed available from Malenfang in a camp near the crafting hall at Esteldin, North Downs upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Rangers of Esteldin.
Standard (LotRO Store) Prized (Rep Steed)
Rep: none
Cost: 995 TP
Speed: +62%
HP: 150
Names: P=unknown, H=unknown
Rep: Kindred
Cost: 5g532s
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Damsel, H=Harmony

The steed of Esteldin is a blonde Palomino steed with white points and flaxen mane and tail.  A full saddle and saddlebags sit atop an olive and gold blanket and brown leather tack.

Available from Artharbain in Imlad Gelair, Rivendell, upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Elves of Rivendell.

Cost: 5g532s
Normal lvl:
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Copperhide, H=Copperleaf

The Prized Rivendell steed is a rich brown steed with black points.  Fancy elven gold and grey tack supports a full saddle and saddlebags.

Free Peoples
Available from Hafgrim in Gath Forthnir, East Angmar, upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Council of the North. 

Cost: 5g532s
Normal lvl:
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Unbroken Spirit, H=Unbroken Will 

The Prized Free Folk steed is a dark grey steed equiped with fancy maroon and grey tack supports a full saddle and leg braces.

Available from Millaesil at Thangulhad fortress upon achievement of Kindred standing with the Malledhrim of Mirkwood. 

Cost: 20 Malledhrim Gold Stars
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=Lovely Lady, H=Riverwind

This is a beautiful steed for those who have earned the respect of the Malledhrim Elves.  Like its name, it is a prized grey steed with black points and ornately carved brown and gold leather tack and saddle.

Isengard War
Available from Gwion at Ox-Clan Merchant Camp in Isengard. 

Cost: 99 Orthanc Sigil fragments
Normal lvl: 75
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P= , H= Shale

This is a quite majestic mount suitable for those battling in Isengard. Like its name, it is a prized grey war steed with ornate black, grey and gold leather trappings, tack and saddle.

Festival Horses

Celebrating festivals is a very fun aspect to LotRO.  Horses are given as rewards for participating in the four different festivals.
In order to obtain a festival horse one must obtain the festival items required and exchange them for the mount from the
festival horse trader.  This may range from winning a horse race or participating in other festival events to
receive tokens for exchange.  Festival horses are equally as fast and as sturdy as regular horses.

Upcoming festivals and their prospective mounts--There have been a lot of changes made to the festival programmes recently.  Thus,
what you see here is how a specific festival horse was obtained.  Future updates will include specific details as the up-and-coming
festivals take place.  Know this one fact,  Festival horses can only be obtained during their specific festival.

Keep in mind that you must still have earned the riding skill in order to ride a festival mount or to get the race quests!.

The three items you will need to obtain a festival steed are:

1. Festival Race token obtained from winning a timed horse race in Breeland or the Shire

2. Specific number of regular festival tokens obtained from participating in fest events

3. Receipt of Purchase / Document of Mount Ownership obtained by purchasing from the festival steed trader at Hengstacer Farms, Breeland at a cost of 500s (200s for horse owners). 

Awesome very detailed guides to festivals can be found at 

A Casual Stroll to Mordor

Click this link for
Locations and Tips for winning the Festival Races

Lithe Fest
introduced in 2009
Available ONLY from the LotRO Store.

Cost: 1195TP.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=April, H=Dusty

In celebration of the summer season, the Lithe festival horse has a standard saddle with a festive green and yellow sunflower blanket.

Lithe Fest Pale Golden
introduced in 2010
Available from Cam Applewood at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: Festival Run Token, 12 Summer Festival Tokens, and receipt of purchase for a regular horse.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Dustmote, H=Golden Dawn 

In celebration of the summer season, the Pale Golden festival horse is a pale tan colour with black points and has a very decorative saddle and tack in a guilded golden style.

Summerfest Steed
introduced in 2011
Available from Cam Applewood at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: Festival Run Token, 20 Summer Festival Tokens, and receipt of purchase for a regular horse.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Summer Meadow, H=Green-Field

In celebration of the summer season, the Summerfest festival horse is a white colour with light grey mane and tale, and has a very decorative saddle and tack in a stylish green and gold.

Harvestmath Fest
introduced in 2009
Available ONLY from the LotRO Store.

Cost: 1195TP.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Burr, H=Branches

In celebration of harvest-time, the Harvestmath festival horse has a standard saddle and a festive fall leaf pattern blanket.

Harvestmath Fest Sable
introduced in 2010
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 12 Fall Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Acorn, H=Dock

In celebration of Harvestmath, the Harvestmath festival Sable horse has a standard saddle and a festive gold and burgundy decorative blanket.

Autumnfest Steed
introduced in 2011
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Fall Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Treat, H=Trick

In celebration of Harvestmath, the Autumnfest Steed has a standard saddle and a festive gold and dusty violet tree design decorative blanket.

Yule Fest 
introduced in 2008
Available ONLY from the LotRO Store.

Cost: 1195TP.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Glory, H=Victory

In celebration of Yule, the original Yule Festival Steed is a chocolate brown steed with white points.  It is equiped with a standard saddle and a festive blue and white snowflake patterned blanket.

Yule Fest Snow
introduced in 2009
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Yule Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Snowdrift, H=Spruce

In celebration of Yule, the Yule festival Snow steed has a standard saddle and is adorned with a festive blue and white snowflake patterned blanket.

Glittering Yule Fest 
introduced in 2010
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Yule Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Mistletoe, H=Winter's Breeze

In celebration of Yule, the new Glittering Yule festival steed is a grey and white steed with dusty brown points.  It has a white fur saddle and is adorned with a festive blue and white glitter patterned blanket and leg wraps.

Frosty Yule Fest 
introduced in 2011
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Yule Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Snowball, H=Snowball

In celebration of Yule, the new Frosty Yule festival steed is a grey steed with festive blue and white saddle, blanket and leg wraps. A very nice addition to any stable!

Spring Fest
introduced in 2009
Available ONLY from the LotRO Store. 

Cost: 1195TP
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=, H=Blossom

In celebration of the spring season, the Spring festival horse has a standard saddle and a festive deep green leaf pattern blanket.

Spring Fest Blue Roan
introduced in 2010
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the 
Bree-Land Horsefields for winning the spring festival race. 

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 spring leaves, 1 document 
of mount ownership
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Chase, H=Wind Runner 

The Blue Roan is an awesome spring fest steeds, PLAYER DESIGNED by Gundryn, it is a bluish grey with distinct yet subtle elven tack.  Congratulations Gundryn for winning first place in the LoTRO horse design contest, well done! (Click here for Original design)

introduced in 2011
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields for winning the spring festival race. 

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 spring leaves, 1 document 
of mount ownership
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=, H=March

The Springtime steed is the newest of spring fest steeds,it is a aged dark blonde steed with grey mane and tail. A brown decorative leather saddle with green accents sits atop this steed along with a very decorative gold and yellow festive blanket and leg braces all with green trim.

Special & Deed Steeds 

There are a few very special steeds available for specific achievements. These horses are normally cost-free but difficult to earn.

Bree Founders
Award Steed.
Available at lvl 15 from Éogar at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields only to founding players of LotRO.

Cost: Bree-Steed receipt from LotRO Gold Edition, LoTRO pre order.
Normal lvl: 15
Speed: +32%
HP: 100
Names: P=Thistle, H=Walnut

While not as fast as a regular, faction or deed steed, the Bree horse is a nice way to get around at a lower level.  A beginner version of the Breetown Liver Chestnut it is a rich reddish Brown with black points, has a standard saddle and dark green cloth blanket.

Quest Steed.
Available as a reward for completion of all the vol 1 epic book quests.

Cost: None
Normal lvl: 50
Speed: +62%
HP: 150
Names: P=Daffodilly, H=Tucker

A truly majestic steed, the Grey horse is a pure white steed fitting for a true hero.  Comes with a decorative saddle and white and blue blanket.

Mahogany Bay
PVP Rank Steed.
Available as a reward for achieving PvMP rank 9  from the Coldfells Quartermaster in Glan Vraig, in the Ettenmoors.

Cost: 5g 400s 
Normal lvl: 60
Speed: +62%
HP: 150
Names: P=, H=

 The Mahogany Bay, also known as the 'Moors' horse, is a silky black with white legs.  Standard saddle sits atop a gold and brown blanket.

The Peoples Courser
PVP Rank Steed. 
Available as a reward for achieving PvMP rank 12 from the Coldfells Quartermaster in Glan Vraig, in the Ettenmoors. 

Cost: 8g 735s
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +62%
HP: 250
Names: P=, H=

Undoubtedly the most difficult and most expensive steed in the game, the new rank 12 PvP steed, is a rich brown steed with white points and purple blanket, tack and has an awesome purple banner.  A suitable steed for the most dangerous warriors in the Ettenmoors.

Congrats to "Easy" from Insurrection!

Galadhrim War Steed
META Deed Steed. 
Available as a reward for completing the Tempest of Dol Goldur meta deed. META DEED LIST complete

Costs: None
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=, H=

The Galadhrim War Horse is an awesome award for completing the Tempest of Dol Goldur meta deed in Mirkwood and, at 168%, it is faster than an standard steed.  It is a pure white steed with an ornate green blanket and standard saddle.  Also, like the Smokey Black, it has leg braces and war associated tack.

Dunedain War Steed
META Deed Steed. 
Available as a reward for completing the Saviour of Eriador Meta Deed.  META-DEED LIST complete

Costs: None
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Amber, H=Feanaro

The Dunedain War Steed is a very nice award for completing the Saviour of Eriador meta deed chain.  It is a white and grey steed with an ornate red blanket and silver inlaid decorative saddle.  Also, like the Smokey Black and Galadhrim War Steed, it has leg wraps and war associated tack. 

Nimble Black Goat
META Deed Steed. 
Available as a reward for completing the Saviour of Khazâd-Dûm meta deed. META DEED LIST complete

Costs: None
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Firehoof, H=

"Moria is no place for horses" -Aragorn
Equipped with all the tools for the adventurer, the goat is the only way to get around Moria.  The Nimble Black Goat is a very suitable award for completing the Saviour of Khazâd-Dûm meta deed chain.  This goat, at 168%, it is faster than an standard steed

Wild Mountain Goat
META Deed Steed. 
Available as a reward for completing the Saviour of Lothlorien meta deed.  META DEED LIST complete

Costs: None
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=, H=

"Moria is no place for horses" -Aragorn
Equipped with all the tools for the adventurer, the goat is the only way to get around Moria.  The Wild Mountain Goat is a very nice award for completing the Saviour of Lothlorien meta deed chain.  This goat, at 168%, it is faster than an standard steed

Skeleton Painted
RARE Prize Steed. 
Available from a VERY rare drop from the secret treasure chest found hidden in the basement of the haunted burrow at the party tree in the Shire during the Harvestmath festival.

Cost: None
Normal lvl: 10
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Rattlebony, H=Rattlebone

During the Harvestmath festival, a special writ for this very special and rare steed may be found only in the haunted burrow.  The skeleton painted horse  is a jet black steed with regular saddle and painted with scary skeletal markings.


Elf Ambassador (Elf Lords)
Meta-Reputation Steed.
Available upon achievement of Kindred rep with the Elves of Rivendell, Galadhrim Elves of Lothlorien, and the Malledhrim Elves of Mirkwood.

Cost: None
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Sundrop, H=Sundancer

One of the fastest steeds in Middle Earth, the Elf Ambassador Steed, at 168%,  is faster than an standard steed.  It is a rich blonde steed with white elven styled tack and an awesome white banner.  The Elf Ambassador steed is quite fitting an Elf Lord.

Steed of Eriador (World Renown)
Meta-Reputation Steed.
Available upon achievement of Kindred rep with the Mathom Society, Men of Bree, Thorin's Hall, Eglain, Rangers of Esteldin, Wardens of Annuminas, Lossoth of Forochel, Elves of Rivendell, Council of the North, the Grey Company and the Algraig.

Cost: None
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=Swifthoof, H=Swiftwind

One of the fastest steeds in Middle Earth, the World Renown Steed, at 168%, is faster than an standard steed.  It is an majestic white steed with brown and gold elven braided styled tack and an awesome scarlet banner.  A fitting reward to any soldier who has earned a place in the heart of literally all the peoples of Eriador.

Cremello (PAX East Steed)
Award Steed.
Available as a reward for attending PAX East.

Cost: None
Normal lvl: -
Speed: +62%
HP: 200
Names: P=Silt, H=Sandy

TheCremello is a fantastic addition to any stable! PLAYER DESIGNED by mother/daugher team GoldRushSE, it is a dark blond with subtile light brown mane and tail.  Congratulations GoldRushSE for winning first place in the 2011 PAX Edition LotRO horse design contest, well done! (Click here for Original design)

Prized Ost Dunhoth War Steed 
META Deed Steed. 
Available as a reward for completing theIn Your Presence meta deed.  META DEED LIST coming soon 

Costs: None
Normal lvl: 65
Speed: +68%
HP: 250
Names: P=???, H=???

What a fantastic steed! The Prized Osh Dunhoth War Steed is a blonde Sorrel coloured mount with tan leather tack, light blue drapery and embelishments, and leather armor. A very suitable award for completing such a difficult meta deed! 

4th Anniversary Steed 
PRIZE Steed. 
Available as a reward for celebrating the 4th Anniversary of Lord of the Rings Online. 

Costs: 3 Anniversary Race Tokens, 30 Anniversary tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl:
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=, H=Coriander

A new trend in steed adornment being established! Elaborate blankets and tack is used to adorn this beautiful Blonde Sorrel! 

Up and Coming Steeds 
Presented here are steeds due for release soon in the game!

Very Special Unobtainable Steeds 

Here are some other entries to the official LotRO Horse Design Contest of 2010.  Great designs indeed!  Perhaps 
one day we will indeed see them in Middle Earth.  Well done designers!

Shire Pack Horse
Created as an entry for the official LotRO Horse Design Contest of 2010, this entry was the runner up for the European contest.

Normal lvl:

Congratulations to Sonofman for this most awesome design.

Bryng Horse
Created as an entry for the official LotRO Horse Design Contest of 2010, this entry was the runner up for the North American contest.

Normal lvl:

Congratulations to Bryng for this most awesome design.



Naming your Steeds

Naming your steeds can be as daunting a task as naming your character! 
Each steed has a special name by default listed in the above descriptions.

Naming in Elvish and other Tongues:
There are many resources on the web that you can use to help name your steed in Elvish.

I highly recommend:
Ardalambion - The Tongues of Arda, the invented world of J.R.R. Tolkein
by Helge Kåre Fauskanger

Real Life Equestrian Information

for some real life information about horses, check out:

Animal Planet's Guide to Horse Breeds

Interesting facts about the Horse

* Horse's hooves grow at a rate of about 1cm per month.
    * The forelock on a horse's head helps to keep flies out of the eyes.
    * Horse's legs are built so that they can sleep standing up, but to get a good rest they need to lying down.
    * Each leg has a small spot that looks like a scar called a 'chestnut'.
    * Horse's knee caps are not done fusing until they are about 3 1/2 years old. That's why many young racehorses are injured.
    * Mares come in to heat around age 1, but usually can't be safely bred until 4.
    * Stallions are mature and can breed around 2 or 3 years of age.
    * A horse's heart weighs about 10 pounds.
    * A horse's back cannot bend, it remains stiff when the horse moves. That's why it's hard for horses to get up after rolling or resting.
    * The teeth take up more room in a horse's head than its brain does.
    * Horses can see colour.
    * Horses can see in two directions at once.
    * Horses have two blind spots where they cannot see- directly in front of them, and directly behind them.
    * Human hair and fingernails are made from the same protein as horse hooves.
    * Horses have 36-42 teeth, with females usually having 36 and stallions and geldings having 40-42. "Canine teeth", remains of fighting teeth, are present on some horses, usually males, in either 1 or 2 pairs. "Wolf teeth" can be present in males or females, and sometimes have to be pulled because they cause pain.
    * Most breeds of horses have 18 ribs, 6 lumbar bones, and 18 tail vertebrae. Arabians have 17 ribs, 5 lumbar bones, and 16 tail vertebrae.
    * A full grown horse that weighs about 1,000 pounds contains approximately 13.2 gallons of blood.
    * Horses have about 175 bones in their body.
    * Horses make 8 basic sounds- snort, squeal, greeting nicker, courtship nicker, maternal nicker, neigh, roar, blow.
    * It is almost impossible for a horse to vomit-- if they do, their stomachs usually rupture soon after.
    * It takes a horse 60 days to double it's birth weight.
    * A horse focuses its eye by changing the angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do.
    * While horses graze, they keep a look out for predators.
    * A racehorse averages a weight loss of between 15 and 25 pounds during a race.
    * Adult electric eels 5 feet to 7 feet long produce enough electricity - 600 volts - to stun a horse.
    * A horse weighing around 1000 lbs. voids from 1 1/2 to 8 1/2 quarts of urine daily.
    * A horse's gestation period is 11 months, but can be anywhere from 10-12 months long.

Excerpt from: http://www.ultimatehorsesite.com

About Lord of the Rings Online

LotRO is FREE to PLAY!
Get your character started at:

Awards and Accolades 

LotRO Community Spotlight - Feb 9th, 2011 

Special Thanks to:

The LotRO Store Quartermasters 
and all LotRO Developers and Staff

"Swifty & Hammo" Kinship of Arkenstone
"Insurrection" Kinship of Arkenstone

Easy of Arkenstone
Toe of Nimrodel
Draugrim of Firefoot
Branick of Arkenstone
Saturos of Belegaer 
Saelarien of Snowbourne
Rainidoc of Firefoot
Linwen of Arkenstone
Spectus Adaninaur of Elendilmir

About the Author
In real life, "Calddir" was born in the Horse Capital of the USA, thus has deep rooted equestrian interests.
He is a traditional archer and visual artist in real life and an officer in the Arkenstone kinship, Swifty & Hammo
in the MMORPG Lord of the Rings Online.)

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Support Lotrosteeds.com

Since Spring 2009, "Steeds of Middle Earth" has been a prime source of information pertaining to
horses, ponies and goats in the Lord of the Rings Online game! Made by players for players! 

Donations are very welcome and are used to cover hosting and maintainance costs 
as well as funding of prizes for RL contests plans.  Your donation, no matter how small, greatly helps
and makes this guide possible! THANKS in advance..:-)

Comments and suggestions are welcome 
and may be directed to:
calddir (at) lotrosteeds.com

This is a fansite of the Lord of the Rings Online game.